Application of advanced wood coating materials and techniques to meet the requirements of the EU VOC-directive CORNET Era Net 4th Call for Transnational Collective Research Project Proposals 2007

Duration and Budget

From 15th October 2008 to 15th October 2010.
Budget: 413.400 EUR.
CORNET Co-funding: 284.975 EUR (69%)


The Guidelines contain structurized data, information, recommendations and measures to support companies' management and expert decisions at implementation of measures for successfully adaptation to VOC directive.
BROCHURE-short version


The aim of advising is to support at quick, cost effective and optimal implementation of measures in the companies to fulfil requirements of the VOC Solvents Directive. Advising should include: mass balances, investigations and balances for economic effects, effects on quality of the products resulting, testing procedures in order to prove the quality, reached by other application, drying or other changed parameters.
For more information please refer to branch Association member of VOClessWOOD project.


The Brochure offer all basic information realated on VOClessWOOD project for SMEs and other stakeholders.